Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

With nearly 16 lakh Recoveries, India’s Recovery rate nearly 70%

Case Fatality Rate (CFR) falls below 2%

Posted On: 11 AUG 2020 2:03PM by PIB Delhi

The successful implementation of effective containment strategy, aggressive and comprehensive testing coupled with standardized clinical management of the critical patients based on holistic Standard of Care approach, have resulted in a sharp hike in the recovery rate, which is pegged at nearly 70% today.

With more patients recovering and being discharged from hospitals and home isolation (in case of mild and moderate cases), the total recoveries have jumped to 15,83,489 with 47,746 COVID-19 patients were discharged in the last 24 hours.

The actual case load of the country is the active cases (6,39,929) which is only 28.21% of the total positive cases. They are under active medical supervision.

With a consistent and sustained increase in recoveries, the gap between recovered patients and active COVID-19 cases has reached nearly 9.5 lakh. India's TEST, TRACK, TREAT strategy is showing the desired result- the gap between percentage Recoveries and percentage Active Cases is growing every day.

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Focus on improved and effective clinical treatment in hospitals, use of non-invasive, improved and coordinated services of the ambulances for ferrying patients for prompt and timely treatment have resulted in seamless efficient patient management of COVID-19 patients. As a result, the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) has been low when compared to the global average. It has fallen below 2% today, currently standing at 1.99%.

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Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to technicalquery.covid19[at]gov[dot]in and other queries on ncov2019[at]gov[dot]in and @CovidIndiaSeva .

In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at



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