Ministry of Labour & Employment

Year End Review- 2020: Ministry of Labour and Employment

EPFO offices across the country settled 47.58 lakh COVID-19 advance claims till 31.10.2020

Relaxation to employer in filing and depositing contributions and returns during Covid-19 period

Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) launched with the objective to incentivise employers for creation of new employment

Posted On: 08 JAN 2021 5:32PM by PIB Delhi


Year End Review-2020

Ministry of Labour and Employment has initiated major reforms in labour laws to ensure   safety, security and  health for every worker with  transparency and accountability. During the tough time of Covid-19 many e-governance measures were introduced to simplify the entire EPFO claim process and by the same time Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) launched with the objective to incentivize employers for creation of new  employment  opportunities in the country.

Employee centric initiatives

  • New facilities on Unified Portal for better service delivery: - In unified portal, members can now view and download the pdf of their claim form and also record their date of exit themselves, thereby reducing dependence on employers. Facility for Aadhaar delinking of verified Aadhaar has been provided at FO interface to resolve the grievances of members whose Aadhaar was wrongly linked to incorrect UAN.


  • Special Covid-19 Advance- As part of  PMGKY scheme, under Para 68L, provision was made for a non-refundable advance from EPF account to EPF members, employed in any factory or establishment located in an area, which is declared to be affected by outbreak of epidemic or pandemic by the Appropriate Govt. EPFO offices across the country have settled 47.58 lakh COVID-19 advance claims till 31.10.2020, disbursing an amount of Rs. 12,220.26 crores to claimants. Since 01.04.2020, 149.31 lakh final settlement and advance claims have been settled by EPFO offices till 31.10.2020 disbursing an amount of Rs. 55,900.88 crores to PF members. Exempted establishments have also played an important role and have settled 3,89,178 COVID-19 advance claims disbursing an amount of Rs. 3782.83 crores to their members till 31.10.2020. Innovative measures like auto-settlement mode and multi-location claim settlement were deployed overnight to ensure that COVID-19 claims are settled within 72 hours despite deployment of less than 50 percent staff. This period evidenced 87 percent increase in claim settlement productivity despite serious challenges posed by pandemic and consequent lockdown.


  • Auto Claim Settlement for advance applications from EPF members: EPFO has developed and deployed a mechanism for automatic settlement of claims for advance through system-based processing with minimal human intervention. This facility was developed and deployed within 24 hours of introduction of claim for advance to fight Covid pandemic. This ensured speedy and seamless service delivery to members on one hand and protected health and safety of EPFO’s employees on the other.


  • Multi location claim settlement to expedite member claims -Taking a big leap towards ensuring uniform standards of service delivery across the country and optimum utilization of its workforce during COVID-19 Pandemic, EPFO has launched multi-location claim settlement facility ushering a paradigm shift by allowing EPFO to settle online claims from any of its Regional Offices, across the country. All types of online claims can be processed under this novel initiative. Further, the launch of multi-location claim settlement facility is a momentous step towards the larger objectives of ushering faceless claims processing thereby bringing greater levels of transparency, efficiency, reduction of member grievances and expeditious settlement of online claims in line with Prime Minister's vision of Digital India. This modality has also made our operations disaster proof as workload of disaster hit area can now be moved to un-affected areas, ensuring seamless service to subscribers.


  • EPFO ensures hassle free service delivery through UMANG during COVID-19 pandemic- The Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance (UMANG) has been a big hit among subscribers enabling them to utilize services during COVID-19 pandemic from the comfort of their homes in hassle free manner. During the period from April to September 2020, a total of 19.20 lakh claims were filed online through UMANG App. This was a whopping 274% increase compared to pre-Covid-19 period from October 2019 to March 2020, where only 5.14 lakhs claims were submitted through the App. Instead of developing its own App, EPFO joined UMANG curtailing costs and enhancing facility of centralised services. EPFO services are most accessed service on UMANG app. Of the total hits the app had clocked since April, 2020 to September 2020, 88% were for EPFO services. It may not be an exaggeration to claim that EPFO powered the success of UMANG app.


  • KYC Updation of subscribers- Know your Customer (KYC) updation is mandatory for availing online services of EPFO. KYC has played pivotal role in identification of members curtailing mediation of employers. To extend the availability and reach of online services, which have become crucial in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, EPFO is paying special attention to KYC updation of its subscribers. It has helped EPFO in improving its service delivery, both quantitatively and qualitatively, by cutting down time for claim settlement, EPF advances, PF transfer and pension processing. Since 01.04.2020, EPFO offices have ensured Aadhaar seeding for 101.98 lakh subscribers, mobile seeding (UAN activation) for 59.09 lakh subscribers and bank account seeding for 53.07 lakh subscribers till 31.10.2020.


  • Change in procedure to rectify DoB- In a move to extend the availability and reach of online services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, EPFO issued revised instructions to its field offices to facilitate PF members to rectify their date of birth in EPFO records, thus ensuring that their UAN is KYC compliant. The date of birth recorded in Aadhaar will now be accepted as valid proof of date of birth for the purpose of rectification, provided that the difference in the two dates is less than 3 years. The PF subscribers can submit the correction requests online. This will enable EPFO to validate the date of birth of members online with UIDAI instantaneously, thus reducing the processing time of requests for change.


  • Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) and UAN cards on Digilocker: PPOs issued from the year 2017 onwards and UAN cards have been made available on Digilocker which is Government of India’s cloud based platform for storage, sharing and verification of documents and certificates. This initiative will enable a large number of pensioners and PF members to download their documents and avail timely benefits.


  • Pension disbursement during COVID-19 pandemic- EPFO ensured that more than 67 lakh pensioners under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) 1995, which include mostly senior citizens, women, children and orphans, receive regular monthly on first of every month despite ongoing pandemic. Under the recently launched Prayas initiative, many field offices of EPFO are handing over PPOs to the members of EPS 1995 on the day of superannuation.


  • Restoration of commuted Pension- On the recommendation of CBT, the Government of India accepted to allow restoration of commuted value of pension after 15 years. Till September 2020, EPFO has released Rs 157.13 crores on account of restoration of commuted value of pension.


  • EPFO leverages CSC network for submission of Jeevan Pramaan by pensioners-By leveraging the last mile network of over 3.65 lakh Common Services Centers, EPFO has provided its 67 lakh pensioners, a facility to submit Digital Jeevan Pramaan closer to their residence. In addition to CSC centers, EPS pensioners can also submit Jeevan Pramaan through 138 regional offices and 117 district offices and pension disbursing banks. A multi-agency model adopted by EPFO empowers EPS pensioners with choice and autonomy to select the service delivery agency as per their convenience.


  • Apply for Scheme Certificate under EPS, 1995 on UMANG app.:- A new facility was launched to enable EPFO members to apply for Scheme Certificate under Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 through UMANG app. The ease of applying for Scheme Certificate through UMANG App will now help members to avoid unnecessary hardship of physically applying for it, especially during COVID-19 pandemic times. The facility shall benefit over 5.89 core subscribers.


Employer centric initiatives


  • Integration of data of J&K Provident Fund with EPFO's database: -The data pertaining to erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir Provident Fund Organisation was successfully migrated and integrated with EPFO's database. This seamless assimilation has enabled employers of the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh in filing their monthly returns and ensured social security cover to workers of these UTs. Further, for successful implementation, large scale training to EPFO officials and employers has also been imparted.


  • Measures to implement EPF relief package under PMGKY- As a part of the relief package under PMGKY, Govt. of India has proposed to pay 24% of the monthly wages into EPF accounts subject to certain conditions. Benefits amounting to Rs. 2570 crores have been credited upfront to Aadhaar seeded UANs under the package till 30.09.2020, covering 44.69,662 employees from 2,81,939 establishments. Detailed guidelines alongwith FAQs were issued to implement the aforesaid package with wide publicity thereof through EPFO website, press releases, webinars, SMS to employers, and facebook& twitter handle of EPFO. Since the lockdown, EPFO offices have organized 8,585 webinars with 81,120 stakeholders, disseminating crucial information regarding various services provided by EPFO including benefits under PMGKY.


  • Extension of due date for payment of contribution for wage month March 2020- Considering the unprecedented situation created by Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown, it was decided to allow grace period of 30 days (from 16.04.2020 to 15.05.2020) for filing of ECRs to employers of those establishments which have disbursed wages for March, 2020 to their employees. This provided much needed succour to employers facing liquidity crisis.


  • Reduction in rate of contribution: The reduction in statutory rate of contribution from 12% to 10% for wage months May, June and July, 2020 for all class of establishments covered under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 announced on 13.05.2020 by the Central Government as part of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat package has been notified vide SO 1513 (E) dated 18.05.2020. Reduction in rate of EPF contributions is intended to benefit 4.3 crore employees and employers of 6.5 lakh establishments to tide over the immediate liquidity crisis to some extent.


  • Filing of Electronic-Challan-cum-Receipt (ECR) made easier- Keeping in view the hardship being faced by employers under the current lockdown and to further ease compliance under the EPF Act, filing of monthly ECR has been separated from payment of statutory contributions reported in ECR. ECR can now be filed by an employer without the need of simultaneous payment of contributions which can be paid later after filing of ECR. The segregation of return from payment facilitated employers in availing 24% contribution by central government towards EPF.


  • Relief to establishments from levy of penal damages: Considering the difficulty faced by the establishments in timely deposit of contributions or administrative charges during lockdown, it has been decided that such delays due to operational or economic reasons will not be treated as default and penal damages will not be levied for such delay.
  • Employer’s DSC /e-Sign registration of authorized signatories: Many important tasks like KYC attestation, transfer claim attestation etc are done online by the authorized persons of employers using their digital signatures (DSC) or Aadhar based e-Signs on EPFO portal. For using DSC/e-Sign, one time approval from Regional Offices is required. In view of prevailing situations, EPFO decided to accept such requests through email also. This facility provides further relief to the employers and EPF members adversely impacted by the pandemic.


  • Ensuring a transparent and objective compliance mechanism: e-Inspection was launched by Hon’ble Chairman, CBT and MOS (I/C), L&E with the purpose of enhancing ease of doing business and promoting transparency and objectivity in EPFO’s compliance machinery. It reduces cost of compliance for non-wilful defaulters as it allows employers to either declare closure of their business with supporting documents or disclose the amount in default with reasons and proposal to remit the un-paid amount. Initially, a pilot run was successfully conducted in two Regional offices at Agra &Karnal. Now, e-Inspection forms have been deployed in the login of employers of 30552 establishments, who have not filed ECR for 07 to 12 months during the period up to wage month Jan, 2020. It has been ensured that no period during the pandemic or lock-down is involved in the e-Inspection notices. Through e-inspection facility, information regarding the status of establishments and the unpaid amount would be available to EPFO and depending upon the nature of responses, further action can be taken to secure compliance. ROs have been instructed to ensure hand-holding of employers, particularly the smaller businesses, to make use of the facility since they lack professional support in such work areas.


  • Virtual hearing facility for quasi-judicial cases- During the 227th meeting of CBT, EPF held on 09.09.2020, Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C), L&E launched virtual hearing facility for quasi-judicial cases under EPF&MP Act, 1952 which would enhance ease and convenience for employers and employees to appear in hearings from remote locations of their choice. The system entails savings on time, travel and expenditure for parties, ensures compliance to social distancing norms and fast tracks assessment of worker’s dues to generate better confidence in the quasi-judicial mechanism. Detailed instructions were issued for strict implementation of the mechanism in all field offices of EPFO.
  • Facility for bulk transfer of funds and data from exempted trusts to EPFO:- Secretary (Labour & Employment) launched a new facility of bulk transfer of funds and data from exempted trusts to EPFO through a single payment on 7th October 2020. This will enhance ease of doing business by increasing the speed of funds transfer for exempted establishments. On change of employment for a member from exempted to unexempted establishment, his past accumulations are transferred to EPFO. Till now, exempted establishments had to approve and transfer the funds one-by-one for each member. Larger establishments requiring transferring the funds of many employees each day, found the process very cumbersome and time taking. Under the new facility, exempted establishments can upload bulk data and transfer the funds for large number of members, through a single payment. This initiative is expected to benefit around 1500 exempted establishments of EPFO. All transactions between EPFO and exempted establishments have already been made electronic, thereby eliminating issues regarding delay and reconciliation of funds transferred.


Other Milestones:


  • Signing of Social Security Agreement with Brazil: - A Social Security Agreement was signed with Brazil on 25.01.2020 (official communication from MEA received in February). This is the 20th such agreement signed by India and Brazil is the 19th country with which India has signed a Social Security Agreement. This agreement will go a long way in providing Social Security benefits to international workers of both countries.


  • EPFO conferred Digital Technology Sabha Award under “Enterprise Category”- EPFO won Digital Technology Sabha Award for developing Auto claim settlement process to respond to need during the pandemic. This project was developed in house and it helped to bring down Covid-19 claim settlement time to 72hrs.


  • EPFO wins Gold award from SKOCH India for EPFiGMS- EPFO was conferred the SKOCH Digital India & e-Governance Award 2020 under the Category - Services Delivery - Government to Citizens (G2C) for its in-house grievance resolution portal- EPFiGMS. With the help of the portal, lodging of grievances and their resolution has become seamless and during the lockdown, when the facilitation and PRO centres of PF offices were not fully functional, EPFiGMS was a tool to mitigate the problems of stakeholders, eliminating the need to visit offices. During the year 2019-20, 9.23 lakh members benefited from EPFiGMS. During the lockdown period from 01.04.2020 to 30.09.2020, 5.93 lakh members availed benefits of the portal.


  • WhatsApp based helpline and grievance redressal - EPFO has launched WhatsApp Business App based helpline cum grievance redressal mechanism and WhatsApp number of every RO is available on EPFO Website. Now subscribers, employers and pensioners can file grievances or seek guidance on any issue by sending a message on WhatsApp


  • Increase in Ex-Gratia Death Relief Amount for EPFO employees- In order to provide assistance to kin of EPFO employees in the unfortunate event of their death due to Covid-19 while providing essential services to EPF members, it has been decided to enhance the ex-gratia death relief amount payable from Welfare Fund. The ex-gratia relief amount has been revised from the current limit of Rs. 3.90 Lakhs to Rs. 10 Lakhs. This is a step aimed at boosting the morale of EPFO employees who are risking life to provide social security services to EPF members in this hour of need.


  • Contribution to PM CARES Fund- Employees of EPFO stand committed in the service of the Nation in every possible way during these testing times. They have come forward to support the Govt. in tackling this pandemic by voluntarily contributing one day’s salary amounting to around Rs. 2.5 crores to the PM CARES Fund.


Major Steps taken in ESIC in year 2020

Convergence/Synergy between National Health Authority (Ayushman Bharat) and Employee’s State Insurance Corporation


Employee’s State Insurance Corporation (ESI Corporation) has entered into a partnership with National Health Authority (NHA) running Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana (AB PM-JAY) which will create an ecosystem wherein beneficiaries of ESI Scheme of selected districts in newly implemented area shall be able to access services at AB-PMJAY empanelled hospitals. Also, ESI Corporation shall be able to provide medical services to PMJAY beneficiaries through its underutilized Hospitals.For this purpose, 15 ESI Corporation Hospitals are being empanelled with PMJAY. MoU for above mentioned services have already been signed between ESI Corporation and NHA- PMJAY. To start with, the pilot project of this scheme has already been successfully completed in two districts – Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) and Bidar (Karnataka). Integration of Panchdeep Module with PMJAY for real-time eligibility check before availing services through ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in specified two districts has been done.


Opening of ESIC Hospitals to Non-Insured Persons:

ESI Corporation, in recent years, has taken initiatives to provide health services to people other than its insured persons by granting approval to open its underutilized hospitals (less than 60% bed occupancy) to general public on nominal user charge basis. At present, 7 ESIC Hospitals are providing medical services to general public.


Extension of Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna with relaxed eligibility conditions and enhanced relief payment:

ESI Corporation extended the scheme of Atal Beemit Vyakti KalyanYojana for another one year i.e. from 01.07.2020 to period 30.06.2021 with relaxation in eligibility for the period 24.03.2020 to 31.12.2020 for providing the benefit to IPs who become unemployed due to Covid-19 induced lockdown. The Relief payment has been enhanced to 50 % of the average per day earning at the place of earlier relief payment of 25% of average per day earning.

Enhancement in Confinement Expenses:

The confinement expenses for confinement taking place outside ESI Dispensaries/Hospital has been increased from Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 7500/- w.e.f. 27.10.2020.

Seeding of Mobile Number and Bank account of newly registered employees:

For the target delivery of benefits to the bonafide Beneficiaries and for dissemination of information from time to time, the Mobile number seeding of the newly registered employees were made mandatory in ESIC database, w. e. f. 01.07.2020.


Further, the seeding of Bank Account details of the newly registered employees was alsomade mandatory in ESIC database.


Performance Dashboard:

A performance Dashboard is published in depicting status on various Key Performance Indicators, adding value to the organisation’s credibility and deliverables.


Ease of doing business:

For the ease of doing business, the new entities which are getting registered as companies through the Agile Platform of Ministry of Corporate Affairs are also facilitated to register under ESI Act, in a single go through common transactions. The integration of Panchdeep with MCA portal has been made effective.


Option for Employers to create their account on National Career Services (NCS) Portal through ESIC Website:

ESIC has given an option to Employers to create their account on National Career Services (NCS) Portal on single click through Employer portal in ESIC’s website This integration of websites of ESIC with NCS helps Employers to further post the vacancies in their industries on NCS portal resulting in value addition proposition to the beneficiaries.


Relaxation to employer in filing and depositing contributions and returns during Covid-19 period: -

Relaxation in time limit was given to the employers for filing and depositing ESI Contribution for the month of February and March 2020 upto 15.07.2020.

One time relaxation to file the return of contribution for the contribution period April-Sept. 2019 was given upto 15.05.2020 who could not file the return within the 42 days as mandated. Besides, the employers were allowed to file the return of contribution for the contribution period October 2019 to March 2020 upto 15.07.2020.



  1. Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) base 2001=100:
  • Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) measure the rate of change in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services consumed by the working class population are compiled and maintained by Labour Bureau.
  • Labour Bureau compiled and released the Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on base: 2001=100 from January, 2006 to August, 2020. The index on New Base (2016=100) is being released by Labour Bureau from September, 2020.


  1. Consumer Price Index Numbers for Rural Labourers and for Agricultural Labourers [CPI (RL/AL)] (Base: 1986-87=100):
  • Based on the retail price data collected from 600 sample villages, CPI Numbers for Rural labourers and its subset Agricultural Labourers are being compiled for 20 States and All-India on base 1986-87=100 on a monthly basis.
  • Labour Bureau compiled & released CPI Numbers for Agricultural & Rural Labour (Base 1986-87=100) up to the month of September, 2020.


  1. Base Updation of Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW):
  • Labour Bureau has completed the process of updating the CPI-IW series to a more recent base period i.e. 2016=100.
  • A total of 88 centres have been covered in the new series of CPI-IW, which have been approved by the Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) of Ministry of Labour & Employment and Group of Technical Advisory Committee on Statistics of Prices and Cost of Living (TAC on SPCL).
  • In the new series of CPI-IW, a sample size of 48384 working class families belonging to existing 7 sectors (Factories, Mines, Plantation, Railways, Public Motor Transport Undertakings, Electricity Generation and Distribution, Ports and Docks) has been covered under the Working Class Family Income & Expenditure Survey and 18816 working class families belonging to these sectors have been covered under Repeat House Rent Survey.
  • The new Series was also placed before the Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) and National Tripartite Forum represented by Apex Level Trade Union Leaders, Employer’s Associations Representatives and State Representatives both from Central Ministries as well as States.
  • Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State (I/C) for Labour & Employment released the new series of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) with base year 2016 in the presence of Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary (L&E) and Shri D. P. S. Negi, Senior Labour & Employment Advisor and Director General, Labour Bureau on 22nd October, 2020 at New Delhi. The new series will replace the existing series with base 2001 = 100.


  1. Statutory and Voluntary Returns under Four Labour Codes:
  • Ministry of Labour & Employment has amalgamated all Central Labour Laws / Acts into four labour codes.
  • In addition to the present mandate of Labour Bureau, it has now been proposed to designate Labour Bureau as the Nodal agency for collation of administrative statistics for labour returns under all the four Labour Codes.


  1. Release of Official Logo of Labour Bureau:


  • The official Logo of Labour Bureau was unveiled by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State (IC) for Labour & Employment on 20th August, 2020 in the presence of Shri H. L. Samariya, Secretary (L&E) and Shri D. P. S. Negi, Senior Labour & Employment Adviser & Director General, Labour Bureau.


  • The newly launched logo represents that Labour Bureau is a data based organization dealing in data related to workers and work. The logo also represents the three goals that Labour Bureau strives to achieve in producing quality data i.e. Accuracy, Validity and Reliability. Blue wheel is a cog wheel  representing work, choice of blue colour signifies that we deal with blue collar workers, the graph is not going up words alone as in real world data has ups & downs because it captures ground reality. A tricolored Graph, matching the colours of the National flag, along with wheat ears, signifying the fruit of rural agricultural labour, have been beautifully placed in the logo.


  1. Inauguration of Office Building of Labour Bureau:
  • The newly constructed office building of Labour Bureau - the “Shram Bureau Bhawan” - has been inaugurated by the Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment (IC) in Chandigarh on 11th September, 2020.Shri HeeralalSamariya, Secretary, Labour and Employment and SLEA & DG Labour Bureau Shri D. P. S. Negi were also present on the occasion. The new building, with all modern amenities, would help to cater to the infrastructural needs of Labour Bureau.


  1. Proposed Surveys:
  • Labour Bureau has been entrusted with the task of conducting the following four “All India” surveys :

(i)         All India Survey on Migrant workers,

(ii)        All India Survey on Domestic workers,

(iii)       All India Survey on employment generated by Professionals, and

(iv)       All India Survey on employment generated in the non-formal transport sector.

  • An Expert Group under the chairmanship of Prof. S. P. Mukherjee with Prof. Amitabh Kundu as Co-chairman has already been constituted by the Ministry to examine and finalise the schedules, sampling design and other technical details of all the aforesaid All India surveys to be conducted by Labour Bureau.


  1. Twitter Handle of Labour Bureau
  • Ministry of Labour & Employment unveiled a dedicated Twitter handle of Labour Bureau i.e. @LabourDG on 27th May, 2020 to supply updated latest statistics related to labour welfare.


V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, Noida


V.V. Giri National Labour Institute is a premier and national level institution exclusively devoted to training research, publications and consultancy pertaining on diverse issues to labour.  The Institute also works in collaboration with other national institutions in the country apart from International Institutions like the International Training Centre of International Labour Organizations, Turin, Italy.


The Institute has conducted different types of programmes viz. Labour Administration Programmes, Industrial Relations Programmes, Child and Bonded Labour Programmes, Capacity Building Programmes, Research Method Programmes, Programmes for North Eastern States, Training Programmes in collaboration with other National and International Institutions, apart from International training programmes.  The training programmes have been conducted for Labour Administrators, Officials of Central and State Governments, Trade Union Leaders, Industrial Relation Managers, Managers and Officers of Public Sector, Researchers Trainers, Field Workers, Social Activities, other social partners belonging to organized and unorganized sectors.


The Institute has conducted 129 training programmes between 01.11.2019 to 31.10.2020 in which 4543 trainees participated.  During the said period, the Institute has also conducted 21 research projects/case studies and 26 workshops in which 6571 members participated.


DGMS, Dhanbad

  1. Legislative reforms:
  1. Draft of the Mines Vocational Training Rules, 2019, was notified in the official gazette on 6th November’2019 and comments from public received till 05th February 2020.


  1. Draft of the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 2019, has been notified in the official gazette on 21st February 2020 and comments from public received till 19th May 2020. 


  1. Administrative reforms:
  1. In line with the Digital India initiative, software modules namely “Approval System”, “Permission/Exemption/Relaxation |System” have been developed and made live for use by the user industry. As on 31.10.2020 total of 7309 applications for Permission/Exemption/ Relaxation has been received online and 7011 has been dealt accordingly.


  1. “National Safety Award (Mines) System” software module has been made live for online submission of applications for the NSA (Mines), evaluation and verification of data and preparation of awardees list. This has brought transparency and accountability in the system. For the contest years 2015 and 2016 total 290 and 378 online applications were received respectively. The National Safety Awards (Mines) function was organized on 16th December 2019 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. For the contest years 2017 and 2018 total of 315 and 223 applications have been received online for the respective years.


  1. “Accidents & Statistics System” software module has been developed and made live on 01.08.2020. This system has enabled online intimation of accident by the mine user, submission of accident inquiry reports by the inspecting officers of DGMS, follow up of the accident reports, finalization of action and dissemination of the relevant information and alerts to the mining industry for improving safety standards. The system also provides platform for online filing of statistical details by the mine users.As on 31.10.2020 total of 19 fatal accidents, 51 serious accidents and 10 dangerous occurrences have been reported on the web portal.


  1. Module for online logging of daily activity by the officers has been developed to generate details of inspection, inquiry, follow up actions, promotional initiatives taken up on daily basis. This will facilitate online generation and reporting of monthly summary work by the officers and real time updating of dash board on the DGMS web site.


III.       Other Achievements:

  1. 12th National Conference on Safety in Mines was organized under the chairmanship of Honorable Minister of Labour and Employment (I/C) on 28th and 29th January 2020 at New Delhi. The conference deliberated upon and made valuable suggestions on contemporary subjects of importance. The recommendations of this conference have been circulated through circular to the stake holders.


Directorate General of Employment

1. National Career Service Project-(NCS) -The Ministry is implementing the National Career Service (NCS) Project as a Mission Mode Project for transformation of the National Employment Service to provide a variety of employment related services like job matching, career counselling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, apprenticeship, internships etc. The services under NCS are available online and can be accessed directly, through Career Centres, Common Service Centres, post offices, mobile devices, cyber cafes etc. The various stakeholders are available on the NCS platform including job-seekers, industries, employers, employment exchanges (career centres), training providers, educational institutions and placement organizations. This project consists of three important components namely- (i) NCS Portal (; (ii) Model Career Centres; and (iii) Interlinking of Employment Exchanges.


The NCS Portal (NCSP) has been made functional at the URL ( The portal was dedicated to the Nation by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 20.07.2015. The NCSP is supported by a dedicated helpline (multi-lingual) available from Tuesday to Sunday (8.00 AM to 8.00 PM) on 1800-425-1514 for assisting users. These services are available free of cost. The portal is accessible by all users including jobseekers, employers, skill providers, placement organisations, career counsellors etc. The portal also facilitates organization of job fairs where both employers and job seekers can interact.


            The brief Statistics of NCS Portal is as under:


Sl. No.


Number as on

4th November, 2020


Active Jobseekers Registered

1.04 crore


Active Employers Registered



Active Vacancies Mobilized



Total Vacancies Mobilized

79.31 lakh


With the increased focus of Government on Career Counselling, the Ministry proposes to create a network of Career Counsellors where the Career Centres will become the hub of Career Counselling in their area. Under the process, over 6000 Career Counsellors from various States/UTs have got registered at NCS Portal, out of which more than 700 are regularly publishing their schedules on NCS Portal.


The NCS Project has envisaged setting up of Model Career Centres (MCCs) in collaboration with States and other institutions to deliver employment related services to maximise the reach of NCS for conducting outreach activities. The main objective for establishing the MCCs is to organise the job fairs, mobilise the employers, provide the career counselling at District level etc. The Ministry gives one time grant in aid of Rs.50 lakh to the State Government for establishing the Model Career Centres. Model Career Centre is also supported by one Young Professional recruited by the Ministry for management of the centre and for better coordination with the Ministry, initially for a period of three years. As of now, over 200 MCCs have been established across the country, out of which 131 are fully functional and the remaining are under process of establishment.



2. Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY)


Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) was launched on 9th August, 2016 with the objective to incentivise employers for creation of new employment. Under the scheme, Government of India is paying Employer’s full contribution i.e. 12% towards EPF and EPS both (as admissible from time to time) for a period of three years to the new employees through EPFO. The scheme is targeted for employees earning uptoRs. 15,000 per month and also aims to cover a large number of informal workers to the formal workforce. The terminal date for registration of beneficiary through establishment was 31st March, 2019.


i) Initially, Government was paying 8.33% EPS contribution of the employer for all sectors in respect of these new employees. The benefits of the scheme were also extended to the Textile Sector under Pradhan MantriParidhanRojgarProtsahanYojana (PMPRPY) for made-ups and apparels sector where the Government was paying additional 3.67% EPF contribution of the employer in respect of these new employees this bringing the total incentive to 12%.The scope of the scheme was enhanced w.e.f.1.4.2018 with the approval of CCEA to provide the benefit of full 12% employers contribution for all sectors.


ii) This scheme has a dual benefit, where, on the one hand, the employer is incentivised for increasing the employment base of workers in the establishment, and on the other hand, a large number of workers will find jobs in such establishments. A direct benefit is that these workers will have access to social security benefits of the organized sector. All the beneficiaries under this scheme are Aadhaar Seeded.


Till 9th November, 2020 the status of the progress of the PMRPY is as follows.


  • Total benefit of Rs.8549,05,08,825/- has been given to 152900 Establishments covering 12169960 Beneficiaries under Pradhan MantriRojgarProtsahanYojana (PMRPY).


  • Total benefit of Rs.2396,73,353/- has been given to 802 Establishments covering 269,044 Beneficiaries under Pradhan MantriParidhanRojgarProtsahanYojana (PMPRPY).

3. National Career Service Centres for Differently Abled (NCSC-DAs); 21 National Career Service Centres for Differently Abled (NCSC-DAs) are functioning in the country under the administrative control of Directorate General of Employment, M/O Labour & Employment. These Centres evaluate residual capacities of Persons with Disabilities, provide Vocational Training, and extend Vocational Rehabilitation assistances etc. to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). The Services of NCSC-DAs are open to Persons with Disabilities irrespective of the gender and education in the category of Locomotor, Visual & Hearing impaired, Mild Mental Retardation and Leprosy Cured.


Out of these 21 NCSC-DAs, one NCSC-DA is set up in Bengaluru with an objective to cater to the rehabilitation needs of PWDs in the state of Karnataka. NCSC-DA, Bengaluru is housed in a building provided by the State Government. NCSC-DA Bengaluru has 13 trades namely printing & Bookbinding, Dress Making, Air-conditioning, Secretarial Practice, Arts, General Mechanic, Electrical & Electronics, Commercial, Carpentry, Radio/TV, Cutting & Tailoring, Metal, Wood Working.


Physical progress of NCSC-DAs is given below:

(No. of candidates)

















Up to 30TH Sept. , 2020












4. National Career Service Centre Centres (NCSCs) for SC/STs; Directorate General of Employment is implementing the scheme for “Welfare of SC/ST job seekers through Coaching, Vocational Guidance and Training and Introduction of new courses in existing National Career Service Centre Centres (NCSCs) for SC/STs and Establishment of new NCSCs in the States not covered so far” Under the scheme, National Career Service Centre Centres (NCSCs)  for SC/STs has been set up by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour& Employment, DGE to enhance the employability of SC/ST job seekers through coaching/training.  So far twenty five National Career Service Centre Centres for SCs/STs have been set up, one each at Delhi, Jabalpur, Kanpur, Chennai, Hyderabad, Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata, Jaipur, Ranchi, Surat, Aizawl, Bangalore,Imphal, Hisar, Nagpur, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Mandi, Kohima, Jowai, Jammu, Jalandhar, Naharlagun, Puducherry & Vishakhapatnam. These centres provide Vocational Guidance/Career Counselling services to the educated SC/ST job seekers in order to enhance their employability. Besides, two Special Schemes namely Special Coaching Scheme & Computer Training through outsourcing have been added to reorient the functioning of these centres.


Physical progress of NCSC-SC/STs is given below:

(No. of candidates)







Guidance and Counselling Services



Typing and Shorthand



Special Coaching Scheme



Computer Training




Up to 31st Oct, 2020

Guidance and Counselling Services



Typing and Shorthand



Special Coaching Scheme



Computer Training




Directorate General Labour Welfare (DGLW)


 In order to mitigate the financial crisis of construction workers and boost their morale to deal of Covid-19 pandemic, the Hon’ble Minister of State for Labour & Employment (Independent Charge) had advises the Chief Ministers of all States/UTs under Section 60 of the Building and other construction workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 to transfer the adequate funds in the bank accounts of construction workers through DBT.  Financial assistance of Rs.5,012 crore has been provided to around 1.83 crore Building and Other Construction Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  In addition, Food relief packages were provided to 30 lakhs BOC workers.


LC & ILAS Section


Hiqhlights of Important Achievements and programmes:


(i) Chairpersonship of Governing Body of International Labour Organization:

Shri Heeralal Samariya, the then Secretary (L&E) was elected as the Chairman of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization for the period from June 2020 to June 2021.  After his superannuation, Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary @&E) has been elected in his place. He chaired the 340th Session of the Governing Body of ILO held virtually during 2- 14 November 2020.

(ii) 340th Session of the Governing Body:

The 340th Session of the Governing Body (GB) of the International Labour Organisation was held virtually from 2-14 November, 2020. Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary (L&E) chaired the sittings of the Governing Body and the meetings of the Officers of the Governing Body. Indian Delegation comprising of Shri Ram Kumar Gupta, Joint Secretary, Ms. VibhaBhalla, Joint Secretary, Shri S.V Ramana, Under Secretary, Ms. KaminiTandekar, Deputy Director, Ms. PriyaSarraf, Deputy Director and officials from PMI, Geneva participated in the meeting.

(iii) International Labour Day, 01.05.2020

On the occasion of the International Labour's Day, Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment held a Webinar with the Central Trade Union Organization and Employers' Organization on 1st  May 2020 at Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi. Senior officers of the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Representatives of various Central Trade Unions and Employers' organizations have taken part in the Webinar and discussed various issues related to (i) Protection of the interest of Workers and Migrant Workers in view of COVID-l9, (ii) Measures to generate Employment, (iii) Measures to be adopted for restarting economic activities and (iv) Measures to improve situation of MSME to enable them to discharge their liabilities under Labour Laws.

 (iv) ILO Global Summit

The Virtual ILO Global Summit was held from 1-9 July.  Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment participated in the ILO Regional Event held on 2 July, 2020 and the Constituent Day held on 09 July, 2020.

(v) G-20 Labour And Employment Ministries' Meeting held on 10th September, 2020 under the Saudi Arabian Presidency

 Indian delegation led by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Labour and Employment (independent charge) attended the G-20 Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting held virtually under the Saudi Arabian Presidency on 10th September 2020. The G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Declaration was adopted by the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers. The priority areas for discussion included: (i) Adapting Social Protection to Reflect the Changing Patterns of Work (ii) Better Preparing Youth for the Transitions to Work (iii) Achieving Gender Equality in the World of Work (iv) Exploring Behavioral Insights Application for Robust Labor Market Policies.

(Vi) BRICS Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting held on 9th October 2020 under the Russian Presidency

An Indian delegation led by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Labour and Employment (independent charge) attended the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting held virtually under the Russian Presidency on 9th October, 2020. The BRICS Labour and Employment Ministerial Declaration was adopted by the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers. The priority areas for discussion included: (i) Development of a preventative safety and healthy work culture (ii) Poverty alleviation through social and economic transformations (iii) Future of work in the digital economy

(B) ILO Centenary celebration event and its publications

To celebrate the International Labour Organization Centenary year, an event was organized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment on 22nd January, 2020 at New Delhi in which "ILO Commemorative Postage Stamp' was released. Also, two books namely "100 years of India's partnership with ILO" and "lndia and the ILO chronicle of a shared Joumey-1919" were released during the function.

O/o Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)


Initiatives: During this period, there was spread of Covid-19 and lockdown in India. Therefore, keeping in view the lock down across India due to Covid-19, and the hardships faced by employers and workers, the following initiatives were taken by the organization of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central):


  • The last date for filing the annual return under eight labour laws and ten central rules was extended by two months i.e. from 1st February, 2020 to 30th June 2020.
  • The validity of licences granted under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 & The ISMW (CS&RE) Act, 1979 was extended up to 30th June 2020 for those licenses whose renewal fell in the months of March, April, May & June 2020.
  • Twenty number of control rooms were setup by the organization of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) across India, under the supervision and control of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) with the sole aim to mitigate the hardships faced by workers regarding less/non-payment of wages, retrenchment/laid off/termination of employment and arrangement of temporary shelters for them.



  • With the proactive approach without any coercive action against the employers, the officers of the control rooms, with persuasive efforts under the light of various Labour Laws and guidelines issued by Government of India, got disbursed an amount of Rs. 2,95,33,43,880/- as wages to 1,86,365 workers of Central Sphere.


  • With the active intervention and coordination of the control rooms termination/retrenchment/loss of employment of 2005 workers working in the Central Sphere were averted.

IR(PG) Section

"Governance reforms through use of Information and Communication Technology:


SAMADHAN Portal - An e dispute portal SAMADHAN for filing industrial disputes by workmen/employer related to employment was launched by Secretary on pilot basis in February, 2019. Thereafter, on 17th September, 2020, the Portal was launched on Pan India basis. The Portal is so designed that it would integrate all the stakeholders (Viz. Employee/Employer, Conciliation Officer, Appropriate Government and CGITs) in the dispute under one roof. This initiative has ushered in a new era of Industrial Relations by hassle free and timely disposal of IDs in a very simple, useful and transparent manner resulting into a simplified, standardized and streamlined process which is faster and easier to monitor. The paradigm shift in governance of Industrial Dispute statute will ensure maintenance of peaceful work culture in the industry so that industrial growth doesn’t suffer and rights of the employee are protected.


The main features of the Portal are following: Registration of IDs by the aggrieved party; submission of relevant documents and; information about the current status of the IDs.


As on 30th Oct, 2020, there are Total 7735 User-IDs of which 6916 are Individuals Users and 819 are Trade union Users. A total of 2786 cases are registered through the portal and out of which 1744 cases are disposed off."


Labour Reforms Cell (Shram Suvidha Portal)



Shram Suvidha Portal: The Ministry of Labour & Employment has developed a unified Web Portal ‘Shram Suvidha Portal’, to bring transparency and accountability in enforcement of labour laws and ease complexity of compliance.

Allotment of unique Labour Identification Number (LIN) to Units after registration to facilitate online inspection & compliance was started on the Portal with its launch on 16.10.2014 itself. Unique Labour Identification Number (LIN) has been allotted to 30,10,746 units as on 24.11.2020.

Transparent Labour Inspection Scheme in Central Sphere was started on the Portal with its launch on 16.10.2014 itself. Since the launch of the Labour Inspection Scheme, 5,75,967 inspection reports across the four Central Labour Enforcement Agencies have been uploaded on Shram Suvidha Portal.



Unified Online Annual Returns have been made mandatory in respect of eight (8) Central Labour Acts, namely, the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979, and the Building and Other Construction Workers(Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) (BOCW) Act, 1996. These Returns which were half yearly/annually earlier, now need to be filed by all employers annually only and are to be filed online. 1,30,925 online returns have been filed on the Shram Suvidha Portal as on 24.11.2020 Since launch of the Online Annual Return.

19,722 online returns have been filed on the Shram Suvidha Portal till 24.11.2020 under Mines Act, 1952 (Coal Mines Regulations, Metallurgical Mines Regulations and Oil Mines Regulations).

Unified monthly Electronic Challan-cum-Return (ECR) for EPFO and ESIC has been made operational.



Common Registration form for EPFO and ESIC has been made operational. 2,16,640 units have been registered with EPFO & 1,80,390 units have been registered with ESIC as on November 24, 2020. Further, Common Registration form for EPFO & ESIC has been made operational for new Public & Private Limited Companies and One Person Company at the time of incorporation of the company through Spice+ and AGILE-PRO e.forms on MCA portal ( with effect from 15.02.2020. Registration for EPFO & ESIC for new Public & Private Limited Companies and One Person Company has been stopped on Shram Suvidha Portal from 15.02.2020.

Common Registration under three Central Acts namely the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1996, the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and conditions of Service) Act, 1979 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 is being provided online on Shram Suvidha Portal. 9973 registrations have been issued using this facility as on 24.11.2020.

Licenses under two Central Acts, namely, the, Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 have been made online. 36,141 licenses have been issued using this facility as on 24.11.2020.

State Integration:

Integration of States with Shram Suvidha Portal is under way. As on date, Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Delhi are being integrated with the Portal. Data is being shared and LIN is being allotted to the establishments covered by the state labour enforcement agencies.

Start Up India:

Facility for exemption from Labour Inspections under six (6) Central Labour Acts is being provided to the Start-ups which submit self-certified declarations through Shram Suvidha Portal.

State/UT Governments have been advised to regulate the inspections for the Start-Ups, wherever applicable and extend the self-certification compliance regime from 3 years to 5 years. 28 States/UTs have taken action on the advisory dated 12.01.2016 /06.04.2017 issued by this Ministry for self-certification and to regulate inspection under the four (4) labour laws viz. the Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979,the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 for the start-ups wherever applicable.



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