Ministry of Electronics & IT
Digital India Scheme and Aadhaar
Posted On:
30 MAR 2022 2:33PM by PIB Delhi
UIDAI has created various facilities as mentioned below for updating the details in Aadhaar by the Residents:
- UIDAI provides Aadhaar enrolment/update facility to the residents through more than 55,000 Enrolment Centres working throughout India. UIDAI also runs 79 State of the art Aadhaar SevaKendras which offers a comfortable environment to the residents and are wheel-chair friendly having special provisions to service the elderly or specially-abled.
- Residents who have linked their mobile with Aadhaar have option to update their demographic data (Name, Age, Gender and Date of Birth) through online portal i.e.
- UIDAI on-boarded India Post Payment Banks (IPPB) as Registrar to facilitate residents, for linking their Mobile/Email with their Aadhaar. These services are offered through the Postmen and on an average more than 30,000 such postmen are working on daily basis.
Also, Aadhaar has an inclusive approach and its enrolment/update processes are accessible to Senior Citizens and persons with disabilities.
Further, the various measures taken by Government of India to ensure that the Digital India scheme is inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities are- publishing of Guidelines for Indian Government
Websites (GIGW) that includes the guidelines on websites accessibility, publishing of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Accessibility Standard ‘IS17802’ Part-I is addressing the functional requirement of various disabilities. Also regular accessibility awareness programmes for capacity building are conducted.
Government of India is aware of Web 3.0 and opportunities and challenges that it represents. The government is confident that with Digital India, the entrepreneurs will lead the change in innovating in Web 3.0.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
(Release ID: 1811369)
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