Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Text of PM’s speech at launch of LiFE Movement

Posted On: 05 JUN 2022 8:10PM by PIB Delhi


We just heard the insightful views of:

Her Excellency Inger Andersen, UNEP Global Head, His Excellency Achim Steiner, UNDP Global Head, My Friend Mr. David Malpass, President of the World Bank, Lord Nicholas Stern, Mr. Cass Sunstein, My Friend Mr. Bill Gates, Shri Anil Dasgupta, India's Environment Minister, Shri Bhupender Yadav,

I thank them for their views.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,


Today's occasion and the date of the occasion, both are very relevant. We begin the LIFE-Lifestyle for Environment Movement. This year's World Environment Day campaign slogan is-''Only One Earth''. And the focus area is-''Living sustainably in harmony with nature''. The seriousness and the solution are beautifully covered in these phrases. 


Our planet's challenges are well-known to all of us. The need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions that further sustainable development. At the COP-26 the last year’s Summit in Glasgow. I proposed for Mission LiFE-Lifestyle for Environment. Efforts for such a mission received support from all across the world. I am glad that this resolution of the LiFE Movement is being realized today. My gratitude for such a record support. As the name suggests, Mission LiFE puts individual and collective duty on all of us to do whatever we can for a better planet. The vision of LiFE is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. And those, who live such a lifestyle are called ''Pro-Planet People''. Mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future.


The secret behind the Earth's long life is the harmony our ancestors maintained with nature. When it comes to tradition, almost all parts of the world, have traditions that show a simple and sustainable solution to environmental problems.

In Ghana, traditional norms have helped in turtle conservation. In the Serengeti region of Tanzania, elephants and bush bucks are sacred.

Thus, they have suffered less from illegal hunting. The Okpagha and Ogriki trees are special in Ethiopia. In Japan there is Furoshiki which could be a sustainable alternative to plastics. Sweden's Lagom philosophy encourages a balanced life. We in India have equated nature with divinity. Our gods and goddesses have plants and animals associated with them. I have given just a few examples. There are many more such practices. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the concepts woven in our life. Circular Economy has been integral part of our culture and lifestyle.


Thanks to our 1.3 billion Indians, we have been able to do many good things for the environment in our country. Our forest cover is increasing and so is the population of lions, tigers, leopards, elephants and rhinos. Our commitment to reach 40% of installed electric capacity from non-fossil-fuel based sources has been achieved, 9 years ahead of schedule. About 370 million LED bulbs have been distributed in the last few years. This has contributed to energy saving of about 50 billion units of electricity per year. It has also ensured a reduction of almost 40 million tonnes of Carbon dioxide per year. We have achieved 10% ethanol blending in petrol, 5 months ahead of the November 2022 target.

This is a major accomplishment given that blending was hardly 1.5% in 2013-14 and 5% in 2019-20. This has enhanced India's energy security, reduced crude oil import of more than 5.5 billion dollars. It has also reduced Carbon Dioxide emissions by 2.7 million tonnes. And it has increased income of farmers by almost 5.5 billion dollars. Renewable energy is becoming widely popular and our government has very high focus for development of this sector. 


The way ahead is all about innovation and openness. At every level, let us encourage innovators focusing on the sustainable development. Technology can be a great supporter to achieve this. When tradition and technology meet, the vision of LiFE will be taken further. I specially urge those in the academic world, researchers and our dynamic Start-Ups to think about this. Their youthful energy is exactly what the world needs at this crucial time. We should also be open to sharing our best practices with others and learning from the successful practices of others.

Mahatma Gandhi talked about a zero-carbon lifestyle. In our daily life choices, let us pick 

the most sustainable options. Let us follow the principle of Re-use, Reduce and Re-cycle. Our planet is one but our efforts have to be many. One earth, many efforts.


India stands ready to support any effort for a better environment and to further global wellness. Our track record speaks for itself. We are proud to have taken the lead in making Yoga more popular. Initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, the focus on One Sun, One World, One Grid, the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure are making major contributions. We are glad that the world is supporting these efforts. I am sure that, the LiFE movement will further unite us, and ensure a secure future for the coming generations. I once again invite the world to be a part of this journey. Together let us make our planet better.  Let us Act Together. It is time for Action. Action for LiFE, Action for Lifestyle For Environment.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.



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