Ministry of Finance
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Clarification regarding time limit for certain compliances pursuant to issuance of Notification No. 18/2022-Central Tax dated 28.09.2022

Posted On: 04 OCT 2022 7:53PM by PIB Delhi

Vide Notification No. 18/2022-Central Tax dated 28.09.2022, the Central Government has appointed 01.10.2022 as the date on which the provisions of sections 100 to 114, except clause (c) of section 110 and section 111, of the Finance Act, 2022 shall come into force.

Thereby, the time limit for the following compliances in respect of a particular financial year has been extended and fixed as 30th November of the next financial year, or furnishing of the relevant annual return, whichever is earlier:


Relevant section of the

Finance Act, 2022

Corresponding provision

of the CGST Act, 2017

Corresponding compliance requirements

Clause (b) to Section 100

Section 16(4)

Claiming of ITC in respect of any invoice or

debit note in the return

Section 102

Section 34(2)

Declaration of the details of credit notes in

the return

Clause (c) to Section 103

Proviso to Section 37(3)

Rectification of particulars in details of

outward supplies

Clause (c) to Section 105

Proviso to Section 39(9)

Rectification of particulars furnished in a


Section 112

Proviso to Section 52(6)

Rectification of particulars in the statement

furnished by a TCS operator


Doubts have been raised whether the said extended timelines are applicable in respect of compliances for FY 2022-23 onwards or whether the same are also applicable to the compliances for FY 2021-22. Doubts have also been raised whether the timelines for the said compliances stand extended to the date of filing/ furnishing of the return/ statementfor the month of November 2022 or the said compliances can be carried out in a return or the statement filed/ furnished upto 30th November 2022.

In this regard, it is clarified that the extended timelines for compliances listed in para 2 are applicable to the compliances for FY 2021-22 onwards. It is further clarified that the said compliances in respect of a financial year can be carried out in the relevant return or the statement filed/ furnished upto 30th November of the next financial year, or the date of furnishing annual return for the said financial year, which ever is earlier. It is also clarified that no  extension of due date of filing monthly return/ statement for the month of October (due in November) or the due date of filing quarterly return/ statement for the quarter ending September has been made vide the amendments in CGST Act, 2017 notified through Notification No. 18/2022-Central Tax dated 28.09.2022.



(Release ID: 1865179) Visitor Counter : 7762

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