Ministry of Women and Child Development
5th Poshan Pakhwada celebrations begin tomorrow
Theme: "Nutrition for All: Together Towards a Healthy India"
Focus of Poshan Pakhwada will be to popularise ‘Shree Anna’- the mother of all grains, as a valuable asset to address malnutrition
Activities during Poshan Pakhwada from 20th March to 3rd April 2023 to focus on promotion and popularization of Shree Anna, Celebration of Swasth Balak Spardha and Popularizing Saksham Anganwadis
Ministry of Women and Child Development aims to raise awareness about importance of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits through Jan Andolan and Jan Bhagidari during Poshan Pakhwada
Posted On:
19 MAR 2023 9:16AM by PIB Delhi
The Ministry of Women and Child Development will celebrate the fifth Poshan Pakhwada from 20th March to 3rd April 2023 with various activities nationwide. The Pakhwada aims to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits through Jan Andolan and Jan Bhagidari.
Poshan Abhiyaan, launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 8th March 2018, has been instrumental in ensuring people’s participation and bringing the discourse on nutrition to the forefront. Poshan Abhiyan was launched with the aim to improve nutritional outcomes in a holistic manner. Behavioral change at individual and community level is an important component to achieve the desired goals of a Kuposhan-mukt Bharat.
Every year, Poshan Pakhwada is celebrated in the month of March for 15 days. Similarly, the month of September is celebrated as Rashtriya Poshan Maah, across the country. The Poshan Maah and Pakhwada celebrated so far have witnessed wide participation and enthusiasm from all States/UTs, frontline functionaries, converging Ministries as well as public at large. Close to 2.96 crore activities were held across the country in the last Poshan Pakhwada 2022
The theme of this year’s Poshan Pakhwada 2023 is "Nutrition for All: Together Towards a Healthy India". With the declaration of 2023 as the International Year of Millets, this year the focus of Poshan Pakhwada will be to popularise ‘Shree Anna’- the mother of all grains, as a valuable asset to address malnutrition.
The activities during the Poshan Pakhwada will focus, inter alia, on the following key themes:
1. Promotion and popularization of Shree Anna / Millets for nutritional- well-being through organization of drives to link Millet-based foods with supplementary nutrition, Home visits, Diet consultation camps, etc.
2. Celebration of Swasth Balak Spardha: Celebrate and recognize the ‘Swasth Balak’ or Healthy Child as per defined criteria by generating a healthy spirit of competition for good nutrition good health and well being
3. Popularize Saksham Anganwadis: Campaigns will be organized to increase awareness and popularise Saksham Anganwadis with upgraded infrastructure and facilities as centers of improved nutrition delivery and early childhood care and education..
The Ministry of Women & Child Development will be the nodal Ministry for coordinating activities during the Poshan Pakhwada. In the State/UT, Department of Women & Child Development /Social Welfare Department will be the nodal department for Poshan Pakhwada.
(Release ID: 1908478)
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